September 2024 – Since their launch in 2020, SWAROVSKI OPTIK’s NL Pure binoculars have been among the top models from the Tyrol-based sport optics experts – bringing together a large, revolutionary field of view with groundbreaking design. The premium-class binoculars combine a sophisticated optical system with a revolutionary large field of view embedded in incredibly compact, precise mechanics. In July 2024, SWAROVSKI OPTIK unveiled two new versions of its top binoculars, the 10 x 52 and 14 x 52.

“Creating binoculars that make the observer one with nature – this was our motivation for the development of the NL Pure line. Our specialists pushed the boundaries of physics to meet our high demands for optical quality and design. With the new NL Pure 52, another exceptional pair of binoculars has been created offering unrivaled performance in terms of field of view, detail recognition, and ergonomics. We can proudly state that no comparable binoculars are currently available at this optical and mechanical level and in this objective lens and magnification range,” comments Stefan Schwarz, CEO of SWAROVSKI OPTIK.

The new NL Pure models with a 52mm objective lens diameter have been developed primarily for demanding viewing situations involving long distances or challenging light conditions, as the large diameter of the new NL Pure models allows more light to reach the observer’s eye. The pioneering SWAROVISION technology with field flattener lenses ensures razor-sharp vision. For users who want to observe for longer periods and in greater detail, the new NL Pure binoculars are the top choice with their outstanding limiting resolution, edge sharpness, magnification, colour fidelity, and light intensity.

The perfectly compact optics of the NL Pure 52 are encased in a uniquely ergonomic housing. The wasp waist ensures the binoculars fit perfectly in your hand: the shape of the binoculars reflects the natural grip position with an oval recess between the thumb and index finger. The forehead rest also provides unbeatable comfort during prolonged use, and allows steady viewing even at 14x magnification. The forehead rest is available as an accessory. To allow effortless observation for longer periods, the newly developed TAs-NL tripod adapter can be used to mount the NL Pure 52 binoculars on a SWAROVSKI OPTIK tripod .

The new models in the NL Pure series cost from £2,910 for the NL Pure 10×52 and £2,950 for the NL Pure 14×52, and are available from 11 July 2024 in the online shop at www.swarovskioptik.com, in the SWAROVSKI OPTIK Store in Wattens, and from authorised SWAROVSKI OPTIK retailers.

The NL Pure is supplied with:

  • FSB-L functional sidebag
  • UCS universal comfort strap NL Pure
  • Eyepiece cover
  • Objective lens cover
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Strap loop connector
  • Soap & brush kit

Technical data for the NL Pure is available at https://swarop.tk/2he and high-res images available to download from https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/jjhemgzle8tmou2se0eq3/AK_xS-RL9K40i9nPjIYlFSc?rlkey=n4gbhkvio47pefn65w489ogud&st=6pv00fcv&dl=0.

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Photo caption:

  • Image 1: The new NL Pure models come with a forehead rest also providing unbeatable comfort during prolonged use.
  • Image 2: SWAROVSKI OPTIK unveiled two new versions of its top binoculars in July 2024, the 10 x 52 and 14 x 52.
  • Image 3: The NL Pure is supplied with a functional sidebag and accessories.

SWAROVSKI OPTIK, headquartered in Absam, Tyrol, is part of the Swarovski group of companies. Founded in 1949, the Austrian company specialises in the development and manufacturing of long-range optical instruments of the highest precision in the premium segment of the market. The binoculars, spotting scopes, and optronic instruments are products of choice for demanding users. The company’s success is based on its innovative strength, the quality and intrinsic value of its products, and their functional and aesthetic design. The appreciation of nature is an essential part of its company philosophy and is reflected commendably in its environment-friendly production and its long-term commitment to selected nature conservation projects.

For Media Enquiries, Images and SWAROVSKI OPTIK Product Loan, contact:
Sarah Salord | GEC PR |swarovskioptik@gecpr.co.uk