Sarah Salord, GEC PR Company Director

From interning at a PR company in Covent Garden to now running my own London-based travel and lifestyle PR agency with my business partner Fiona, I’ve learned several lessons from my 17 years in the industry.

Whether it’s learning to trust your own judgement or understanding the most suitable way to solve a problem, it’s through personal experiences that our careers are shaped and moulded.

So here are seven lessons I’ve learnt during my PR journey so far:

  • Trust your instinct – The further you progress up the career ladder, the more decisions you must make. Try to not overthink the situation and have confidence in your decision-making abilities. Listen to your instincts. I’ve learnt over the years they are usually right…
  • Most activities always take longer than expected – Whether it’s writing a press release or drafting a social media post, always plan for things to take longer than you think.
  • Learn from mistakes – Making mistakes is inevitable and they happen to us all. So, when they do, acknowledge errors as quickly as possible and look at the best way to fix them. Mistakes are great opportunities to learn and improve.
  • Ask for help – We all need help and advice at times. Whether it’s from your colleagues, family members or friends, asking for other people’s advice can help put a different perspective on the situation. A brainstorm is a great way to generate that ‘Big Idea’ for a client PR campaign.
  • It’s PR not ER! – I was told this wise saying at an industry event and it has stuck with me ever since. We all have moments when we feel a bit overwhelmed and things are getting on top of us, so step away from the computer, put the phone down or simply make a cup of tea. Taking a pause usually helps bring a bit of perspective.
  • Find a Mentor – Find someone who inspires you, and who can provide you with support, guidance and encouragement. A good mentor will help guide you through your career journey and help you grow both personally and professionally.
  • Take a Break – Rest and relaxation is essential for us all and helps our creativity, productivity and general overall happiness. So, switch off outside of work and enjoy that weekend or holiday, and do so without feeling guilty.